Monday, December 5, 2011

Noun + Wife

After Reading Here come the Baseball Wives  I was yet again astounded by reality TV.  There's been Wives of this county and Basketball Wives when in general its just a bunch of rich angry women causing drama with each other living off of their husbands money.  That is not entertainment, its putting on Televison the decline of Feminism. Sure every girl would dream to dress beautifully and do nothing but tan all day, however were not Barbies. These women should do something productive with their lives, and that is not causing drama with the other shallow  dependent women in their lives.

The article states that this Noun + Wife is just a new genre of generally bad television. I totally agree with this. "We bask in the schadenfreude of each addiction, divorce, foreclosure, argument, bankruptcy, and drunken mistake. Is this unfair? Is this shallow? Is it biased? Yes, yes, and yes. Does that stop us? No." The article also states the previous line, which better proves the degrade of feminism, television viewers are so obsessed with beautiful non working women that even if its a generally terrible show, we are drawn to it.

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